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Challenges in Sustainability 2024

The Great Transition as a Challenge and Chance in Times of Crisis

The conference takes place at H 0104 (Elinor-Ostrom-Lecture hall), “TU Main Building” & On-line


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Participation in the conference is free of charge.


More about us

Since 2014, the Technical University of Berlin (TU Berlin) has been offering postgraduate courses on sustainable development management known as the "Energy Masters" (MBA and MBL) on the EUREF Campus. These programs address the pressing issues related to sustainable development and aim to foster dialogue among various stakeholders. This prompted the organization of our “'Challenges in Sustainability” conferences.
The transition towards sustainable energy and energy usage has encountered and continues to face numerous challenges. Many observers argue that the potential for collaboration and knowledge exchange among key players, particularly research institutions, academia, and industry, remains largely untapped.
The conference is organized by the Master in Energy programs of TU Berlin and TU Berlin Science Marketing, in cooperation with Berlin Science Week 2024. The goal is to not only outline the current trends in the transition towards sustainable infrastructures (Energy, Mobility, Buildings, and Urban Structures) at both the German and European levels but also to examine the training requirements for the upcoming challenges. Our focus will be on promoting stronger connections between research, academia, and industry.
Starting in 2014, Technische Universität Berlin has been developing four parallel postgraduate courses at the EUREF Campus under the umbrella of "Energy Masters" (MBA and MBL), which delve into the current issues of sustainable development management. We aim to address the unique challenges encountered by various industries including energy, building and spatial development, and mobility. Our focus will be on exploring effective strategies to bolster collaboration among stakeholders and facilitate the seamless transfer of knowledge and expertise. The impetus to foster a dialogue among diverse stakeholders led to the inception of the annual conference.

About the conference

Saturday 9th of November 2024


Join Our Event

Challenges in Sustainability, Enhancing Governance and Management for a Sustainable Transition

The conference will focuses on the paramount challenges and emerging trends in the transition towards sustainable infrastructures. Our conference will specifically explore key areas such as Energy, Mobility, and Buildings, addressing both the German and European perspectives. Expert speakers, industry pioneers, and thought leaders will share their expertise, cutting-edge solutions, and innovative ideas to address the sustainability challenges we face today. The conference serves as a unique platform for meaningful discussions, networking, and collaboration among professionals, policy-makers, and stakeholders who share a common vision of creating a greener, more resilient future.

Alums conference

The Alums Conference aims to unite Alums, international experts, and current members of the cooperating master programs for a memorable reunion filled with mutual learning and knowledge exchange. This conference will offer a diverse range of activities such as keynote speeches, alums presentations, interactive workshops, and a round table discussion, all of which will create an extensive platform for professional training, networking opportunities, and strengthened collaboration.


Meet Our Alums and Experts

Whether you are an academic, industry professional, or a student passionate about sustainability, our conferences offers a platform to connect and engage with a diverse community of like-minded professionals, researchers and alums. Meet our esteemed panel of experts and outstanding alums who will be sharing their expertise and vision for the future, and empower yourself to contribute meaningfully to the global energy transition.

Contact Us

Get In Touch With Us

TU Berlin in cooperation with
TU Berlin ScienceMarketing
Hardenbergstr. 16-18
10623 Berlin
+49 (0)30 - 78 95 49 01